heat guide for cricut everyday iron on
heat guide for cricut everyday iron on

A Guide to Applying Iron-On Designs on Chipboard Using Cricut EasyPress® 2 and Everyday Iron-On / Lite / Metallic

Iron-on designs are a popular way to personalize clothing and accessories, and using the right tools can make the process easier and more successful. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of applying an iron-on design using the Cricut EasyPress® 2. With its precise temperature control and even heat distribution, the EasyPress® 2 ensures professional-looking results. We will specifically focus on using Everyday Iron-On, Lite, or Metallic heat transfer materials on chipboard as the base material. So let’s dive into the process and get started!

Step 1: Preparing for Application

Before applying the iron-on design, it’s essential to properly prepare your materials and equipment. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Cricut EasyPress® 2: This heat press machine provides precise temperature control and even heat distribution, ensuring the iron-on design adheres well to your fabric.
  2. Cricut Pressing Mat: The pressing mat serves as a protective barrier between your work surface and the EasyPress®, preventing any heat damage.
  3. Everyday Iron-On / Lite / Metallic: Choose the appropriate heat transfer material for your project, whether it’s Everyday Iron-On, Lite, or Metallic. Ensure it is compatible with iron-on application.
  4. Chipboard: Clean and smooth chipboard will serve as a solid surface to apply the iron-on design onto.
  5. Clean workspace: Ensure that your work area is clean and free from any dust or debris that could interfere with the application process.

Step 2: Preheating the Cricut EasyPress® 2

To achieve optimal results, it’s crucial to preheat your Cricut EasyPress® 2. Follow these steps:

  1. Power on your EasyPress® 2 and set the temperature according to the heat transfer material’s instructions. Refer to the recommended temperature for Everyday Iron-On, Lite, or Metallic.
  2. Allow the EasyPress® 2 to reach the desired temperature. It’s equipped with a helpful indicator that shows when it’s ready for use.

Step 3: Preheating the Chipboard

Preheating the chipboard helps ensure a better bond between the iron-on design and the surface. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Place the chipboard on the clean Cricut Pressing Mat.
  2. Position the EasyPress® 2 directly over the chipboard.
  3. Apply the EasyPress® 2 onto the chipboard and hold for the recommended preheating time according to the heat transfer material’s instructions.

Step 4: Applying the Iron-On Design

Now that your materials are prepped and ready, it’s time to apply the iron-on design. Follow these steps for successful application:

  1. Place the iron-on design onto the chipboard, liner side up, with the design facing down.
  2. Apply firm pressure to the EasyPress® 2 and press it onto the iron-on design and chipboard.
  3. Set the EasyPress® 2 to the recommended temperature for the specific heat transfer material and maintain firm pressure for the recommended duration according to the instructions.
  4. After the pressing time, allow the chipboard to cool down until it’s safe to touch.
  5. Slowly remove the liner from the iron-on design, ensuring that the design adheres firmly to the chipboard.


Applying iron-on designs using the Cricut EasyPress® 2 is a simple and enjoyable process. By following the steps outlined in this article, specifically focusing on using Everyday Iron-On, Lite, or Metallic heat transfer materials on chipboard, you can achieve professional-looking results with

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